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Holly Cooper of Seattle Elderberry

MOM ON A MISSION: Meet Holly Cooper, Founder of Seattle Elderberry

Written by: Adelaide Formica


At Seattle Elderberry, we believe in nurturing families and promoting regenerative agriculture that nourishes both people and the planet. Our "Mom on a Mission" series gives a peek into the lives of moms who are driving the vision and mission of Seattle Elderberry forwards.

Meet Holly Cooper, the visionary mom behind Seattle Elderberry. What started as a kitchen experiment to create better immune support for her family has blossomed into a thriving, mission-driven company. In this interview, Holly shares her journey from biology enthusiast to entrepreneur, balancing motherhood with business ownership, and her passion for creating organic, effective herbal supplements. Dive into Holly's world and discover how Seattle Elderberry is changing the game in natural wellness while staying true to its roots.

What inspired you to start Seattle Elderberry?

As a mom of three with a background in biology, I was impressed by elderberry's immune-boosting properties but disappointed with store-bought options. They were full of artificial ingredients and low on actual elderberry. So, I created my own recipe based on the available research that my kids would love and I could feel good about! My entrepreneurial spirit kicked in, and before I knew it, I was sharing it with my community! Click here if you want the complete origin story of Seattle Elderberry!

What's a typical day like for you?

Mornings are all hands on deck - making breakfast, tucking lunches into backpacks, and stealing moments with each kid before school along with getting myself ready for the day! During school hours is when I try to prioritize a number of things: my health, my work, family/house tasks and friend time. I also try to volunteer at school a few times a month!  Afternoons are a mixture of decompression for my kids, after-school activities and family time.We prep for the next day in the evenings (packing lunches, setting out clothes, running through our schedules). It's a very full season of life, but I'm clear on where my energy is needed most. Running the company is truly a team effort - many of us are parents, so we get it!

How has Seattle Elderberry impacted your family life?

My kids have been part of every phase - from local deliveries to stamping shipping boxes in our living room. They've seen it all! The flexibility is fantastic, and we've made incredible friends through the business. My youngest even wants to take over someday because, in his words, "you don't have to work for anyone else and you can still have time to come help at my school." 

Plus, our recent family trip to Maine to visit our teammates on Schoppee Farm was a trip to remember! My kids got to help Ben drive the tractor, and I think Allie was grateful for a few very helpful babysitters for their two youngsters!

What lessons do you hope your kids learn from your business?

I'm all about authenticity - I am not someone who can "fake it 'til you make it". I stand behind our products because I created them for my family. I hope that by showing up as my true self - flaws, superpowers, and all - I'm empowering my kids to do the same. Also- I hope they know that other people probably have the same problems as they do! I think life is about finding community and sharing your questions, passions and ideas with others!

How do you balance motherhood and running a business?

Balance? What's that?! In all reality- running a business takes help, communication, and understanding. We rely on friends, sitters, and our incredible team. In reality though, my first priority is my family. I'm an irreplaceable part of our family unit. However, doing things that I love is essential for me as well. Motherhood doesn't have many "tasks" or "projects" and I think I get a lot of satisfaction from completing something. I think that's why running Seattle Elderberry works for me. I have tangible tasks and goals to work towards and the sense of accomplishment gives me a boost of energy to share back with the family. Plus, "self care" is essential for me to thrive in both my "mom world" and in my "business world"  I shared a few of my favorite Self-Care Tips for Parents in a recent blog post- hint: bubblebaths aren't going to cut it for true deep care!

Describe your journey with Seattle Elderberry in 3 words.

Accidental: I never planned to run a supplement company!

Personal: These products are extensions of my family's needs. If it's not good enough for our families, it's not good enough for anyone.

Community-driven: The relationships we've built with our customers and suppliers are priceless.

What's next for Seattle Elderberry?

We've got some BIG CHANGES coming that deepen our commitment to effective, organic plant-based remedies while giving back to the Earth. I will share more in the coming months but we're evolving Seattle Elderberry to reflect where the business is and where the business is headed. We're leaning into what is important to us and to future generations. There's more to come :)

What excites you about partnering with regenerative farmers?

I'm really excited about our push towards sourcing from regenerative farmers. It's taking our commitment to organic ingredients to the next level. Regenerative farming is sustainable and multifaceted. We're not just making products that are good for people, but we're giving back to the earth. Plus, I love expanding our community of mission-driven folks! Check out our Sustainability page for more on our commitment to Regenerative Agriculture.

Any advice for parent entrepreneurs?

If you have a passion and a product that aligns with it, go for it! But be prepared for the 24/7 grind, especially early on. Seek business advice early to avoid common pitfalls. And remember, some days you'll slay, others you won't. Just keep going and be sure to share your business adventures with us so we can support you!

How has your approach to family wellness evolved over time?

Honestly, it has simplified. Our bodies are incredible. They know how to heal, they know how to adapt and if we listen, our bodies tell us valuable information. I think one of the most important things is slowing down and seeing “symptoms” as our body’s way of communicating. I support my health through supplements, exercise, friendships, food, meditation and more. 

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